Austrian family businesses – Good-practice case studies

Family businesses contribute a lot to the Austrian economic performance. The connection of family and business can be very challenging though, which makes it even more important to look at their peculiarities. However, family businesses differ also from each other; the familial and entrepreneurial constellations can be very specific as well as branch-specific requirements, which family businesses are faced with. Thus, we want to know more  about action strategies used by family businesses in specific situations (e.g. succession, work-family conflict, familiness, etc.). This research project focuses on the connection of science and practice. These case studies should give some ideas of organizing and developing optimal family business structures. Therefore we asked Family Businesses for their expertise, which enables other Family Business members to learn from the represented experiences, as well.

  • Funding: Austrian Chamber of Commerce
  • Duration: 2011
  • P.I.: Lueger, M. & Frank., H.
  • Internal Associates: Christian Korunka
  • Cooperation Partners: WU Vienna University of Economy and Business