An effective and automated publishing process to improve user interface style guides

Martin Lugmayr, Johann Schrammel, Cornelia Gerdenitsch, Manfred Tscheligi

Style guides have become an important and common way to improve and standardise development of user interfaces. However, there are several well-known problems on using style guides. Having these problems in mind we present an effective and automated publishing process. First we will introduce a role based approach to model style guides. After that we will focus on the steps of the publishing process and describe them in detail with their outputs. By that we want to focus on the practical and theoretical advantages of our methodology and their limitations. Summarized this paper will describe in detail, how mentioned techniques and components work together and how we built up a useful publishing process for adaptable and usable style guides.

Institut für Arbeits-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialpsychologie
ÖFOS 2012
501002 Angewandte Psychologie
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