Liste der Publikationen des Arbeitsbereichs

Tement, S., & Korunka, C. (2012). The interactive effect of work-Family conflict and enrichment on work-related outcomes. in A. Jain, D. Hollis, N. Andreou, & F. Wehrle (Hrsg.), Book of Proceedings 10th Conference Eureopean Academy of Occupational Health Psychology (S. 200-201). EAOHP.

Prem, R., Korunka, C., & Kubicek, B. (2012). The moderating role of psychological detachment in a 12-hour shift roster. in Book of Proceedings: Zürich 2012

Paskvan, M., Kubicek, B., & Korunka, C. (2012). When contradictory demands lead to emotional exhaustion: The mediating effect of work intensification. in Book of Proceedings European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology 2012

Gerdenitsch, C., & Döbelt, S. (2012). Who controls the switch? Enhancing residents' trust in sustainable building technology. in Proceedings E-nova Congress

Korunka, C., & Nosé, L. (2012). Zusammenarbeit auf engstem Raum: Familienunternehmen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Familie und Unternehmen. in M. Lueger, & H. Frank (Hrsg.), Wie erfolgreiche Familienunternehmen handeln. Good Practice Fallanalysen (S. 150-179). Facultas.

Blache, J., Borza, A., De Angelis, K., Frankus, E., Gabbianelli, G., Korunka, C., Scholze, T., Satke, M., Tement, S., Wehr, T., Vestergaard, N. C. F., & Zdrehus, C. (2011). BOIT – Burnout Intervention Training for Managers and Team Leaders. A practice report. Die Berater.

Gerdenitsch, C., Schrammel, J., Döbelt, S., & Tscheligi, M. (2011). Creating Persuasive Technologies for Sustainability. in Proceedings Persuasive