
präsentiert im Mai 2019 auf der Self-Determination Theory Konferenz in Egmond aan Zee (Niederlande)


SSF-Inventory: A measurement instrument to assess the perception of tax authorities’ power and trust in authorities

Erico Kirchler
Power, Politics, and Paranoia: Why People are Suspicious About Their Leaders
Konferenz, Vortrag
13.7.2012 - 13.7.2012

The dynamics of power and trust in the „Slippery Slope Framework“ and its impact on the tax climate

Katharina Gangl
Power, Politics, and Paranoia: Why People are Suspicious About Their Leaders
Konferenz, Vortrag
13.7.2012 - 13.7.2012

The dynamics of power and trust in the „Slippery Slope Framework“ and its impact on the tax climate

Eva Hofmann
Power, Politics, and Paranoia: Why People are Suspicious About Their Leaders
Konferenz, Vortrag
13.7.2012 - 13.7.2012

The dynamics of power and trust in the „Slippery Slope Framework“ and its impact on the tax climate

Maria Pollai
Power, Politics, and Paranoia: Why People are Suspicious About Their Leaders
Konferenz, Vortrag
13.7.2012 - 13.7.2012

The dynamics of power and trust in the „Slippery Slope Framework“ and its impact on the tax climate

Erico Kirchler
Power, Politics, and Paranoia: Why People are Suspicious About Their Leaders
Konferenz, Vortrag
13.7.2012 - 13.7.2012

Extension of the Slippery Slope Framework

Eva Hofmann
12.7.2012 - 12.7.2012

„How can I help you?“ Perceived service orientation of tax authorities and tax compliance

Stephan Mühlbacher
12.7.2012 - 12.7.2012

„How can I help you?“ Perceived service orientation of tax authorities and tax compliance

Eva Hofmann
12.7.2012 - 12.7.2012

„How can I help you?“ Perceived service orientation of tax authorities and tax compliance

Christoph Kogler
12.7.2012 - 12.7.2012

„How can I help you?“ Perceived service orientation of tax authorities and tax compliance

Erico Kirchler
12.7.2012 - 12.7.2012

Tax Compliance From Attitude to Behavior: A Validation of the Slippery Slope Model

Christoph Kogler
SABE 2012
Konferenz, Vortrag
12.7.2012 - 12.7.2012

Tax Compliance From Attitude to Behavior: A Validation of the Slippery Slope Model

Erico Kirchler
SABE 2012
Konferenz, Vortrag
12.7.2012 - 12.7.2012

Tax psychology – An overview

Erico Kirchler
18th Summer School, EUPhD on Social representations and communication
Summer/Winter School, Vortrag
10.7.2012 - 10.7.2012

Brand-related background music and consumer choice.

Arnd Florack
9.7.2012 - 9.7.2012

Diary studies as a macro-ergonomic evaluation tool: Development of a shift diary and its application in ergonomic evaluations

Christian Korunka
Southeast Asian Network of Ergonomics Societies (SEANES) conference 2012
Konferenz, Vortrag
9.7.2012 - 9.7.2012

Economic psychology – An overview

Erico Kirchler
18th Summer School, EUPhD on Social representations and communication
Summer/Winter School, Vortrag
9.7.2012 - 9.7.2012

Einstellungen zu Steuern (Nettolohn vs „out of pocket“ Zahlungen)

Erico Kirchler
Pfusch, Steuerhinterziehung und andere Kavaliersdelikte: Kriminelles Handeln oder Hilfe unter Freunden?
Seminar/Workshop, Vortrag
3.7.2012 - 3.7.2012

Vom Zwang zur Kooperation

Erico Kirchler
Pfusch, Steuerhinterziehung und andere Kavaliersdelikte: Kriminelles Handeln oder Hilfe unter Freunden?
Seminar/Workshop, Vortrag
3.7.2012 - 3.7.2012

How can I help you?“ Perceived service orientation of tax authorities and tax compliance.

Katharina Gangl
.7.2012 - .7.2012

The dynamics of power and trust in the „Slippery Slope Framework“ and its impact on the tax climate.

Katharina Gangl
.7.2012 - .7.2012