präsentiert im Mai 2019 auf der Self-Determination Theory Konferenz in Egmond aan Zee (Niederlande)
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52nd DGPs Congress 2022 - Hildesheim
Eva Straus
52nd DGPs Congress 2022 - Hildesheim
Teilnahme an ...
13.9.2022 - 15.9.2022
Digital Maturity: Developing a Comprehensive Understanding and Multi-dimensional Digital Maturity Scale for Adolescents
Franziska Laaber
Arnd Florack
Teresa Koch
Marco Hubert
52nd DGPs Congress 2022 - Hildesheim
12.9.2022 - 12.9.2022
Influence of Demands and Lay Theories About Willpower on Pro-Environmental Behavior
Julia Marie Jankowski
Austrian Environmental Psychology Meeting
12.9.2022 - 12.9.2022
Welche Rolle spielen Schlafqualität und mentales Wiederanknüpfen an die Arbeit für Proaktivität und Arbeitsengagement? In D. Fay and G. Fenske (Chairs): Proactive work behavior: New insights and developments.
Jana Kühnel
Ricarda Schleupner
Klaus G. Melchers
Selina S. Richter
52nd DGPs Congress 2022 - Hildesheim
.9.2022 - .9.2022
Food is all around: Why the unhealthy = tasty belief might be an illusory correlation
Sonja Kunz
Simona Haasova
Peer Niklas Pivecka
Justus Schmidt
Arnd Florack
2022 ESCON Transfer of Knowledge Conference
29.8.2022 - 31.8.2022
Be prepared: How psychological reattachment buffers the effect of a bad night’s sleep on daily work engagement and proactivity
Ricarda Schleupner
Jana Kühnel
Klaus G. Melchers
82th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
5.8.2022 - 9.8.2022
Frontiers in Psychology (Fachzeitschrift)
Julia Schöllbauer
Martina Hartner-Tiefenthaler
Clare Kelliher
Herausgabe einer Fachzeitschrift oder Reihe
1.8.2022 - 30.6.2023
Chronobiology & Sleep @Work. Symposium at the 82th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle, Washington, USA
Jana Kühnel
Stefan Volk
82th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
.8.2022 - .8.2022
EASP Summer School
Sonja Kunz
EASP Summer School
Summer/Winter School,
Teilnahme an ...
24.7.2022 - 5.8.2022
Mechanisms and Effects of Tailored Interventions for Performance Under Pressure in the Performing Arts: A Collective Case Study
Veronika Lubert
Peter Gröpel
16th European Congress of Sport & Exercise Psychology
14.7.2022 - 14.7.2022
Summer School: Advanced Regression Analyses
Julia Marie Jankowski
Kata Sik
Lisa Stempfer
Georgia Clay
Summer School: Advanced Regression Analyses
Summer/Winter School,
Organisation von ...
12.7.2022 - 15.7.2022
Start your day right: Fostering daily work-related well-being through an intervention aiming at psychological reattachment. In C. Syrek and J. de Bloom (Chairs): Field interventions on recovery from job stress: The beauty and the beast.
Ricarda Schleupner
Jana Kühnel
15th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference
8.7.2022 - 8.7.2022
Work unpredictability: A contemporary work stressor
Julia Schöllbauer
17th European Congress of Psychology
7.7.2022 - 7.7.2022
How Did You Sleep Last Night? The Relevance of Sleep Quality and Sleep–Wake Rhythm for Procrastination at Work
Tabea Maier
Jana Kühnel
Beatrice Zimmermann
15th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference
6.7.2022 - 6.7.2022
Mechanisms and Effects of Tailored Interventions for Performance Under Pressure in the Performing Arts: A Collective Case Study
Veronika Lubert
Peter Gröpel
17th European Congress of Psychology
6.7.2022 - 6.7.2022
Teleworkers’ well-being, self-rated productivity and engagement during COVID: What resources matter?. In J. Kühnel & T. Vahle-Hinz (Chairs): Only time will tell?- The role of time for research on stress, recovery, and well-being.
Eva Straus
Jana Kühnel
Lars Uhlig
Christian Korunka
15th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference
6.7.2022 - 6.7.2022
Did you go to bed on time? Detrimental effects of going to bed later than intended for the next working day. In L. Venz & V. C. Haun (Chairs): From dusk till dawn till dusk: New insights from research on nonwork time and the boundaries between work and nonwork in relation to employee well-being.
Jana Kühnel
Johannes F. W. Arendt
Ronald Bledow
15th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference
.7.2022 - .7.2022
Effects of a ten-day mindfulness intervention on procrastination behavior in daily life
Johannes F. W. Arendt
Jana Kühnel
15th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference
.7.2022 - .7.2022
Trajectories of psychological detachment over the weekend: Investigating antecedents and consequences. In L. Venz & V. C. Haun (Chairs): From dusk till dawn till dusk: New insights from research on nonwork time and the boundaries between work and nonwork in relation to employee well-being.
Verena Haun
Oliver Weigelt
Katja Siestrup
Jana Kühnel
15th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference
.7.2022 - .7.2022
Triple down effects of interruptions in ICT-enabled work: How interruptions endanger psychological detachment after work
Edo Meyer
Jana Kühnel
Christian Korunka
15th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference
.7.2022 - .7.2022
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