
präsentiert im Mai 2019 auf der Self-Determination Theory Konferenz in Egmond aan Zee (Niederlande)


52nd DGPs Congress 2022 - Hildesheim

Eva Straus
52nd DGPs Congress 2022 - Hildesheim
Konferenz, Teilnahme an ...
13.9.2022 - 15.9.2022

Digital Maturity: Developing a Comprehensive Understanding and Multi-dimensional Digital Maturity Scale for Adolescents

Franziska Laaber , Arnd Florack , Teresa Koch , Marco Hubert
52nd DGPs Congress 2022 - Hildesheim
Konferenz, Posterpräsentation
12.9.2022 - 12.9.2022

Influence of Demands and Lay Theories About Willpower on Pro-Environmental Behavior

Julia Marie Jankowski
Austrian Environmental Psychology Meeting
Konferenz, Vortrag
12.9.2022 - 12.9.2022

Welche Rolle spielen Schlafqualität und mentales Wiederanknüpfen an die Arbeit für Proaktivität und Arbeitsengagement? In D. Fay and G. Fenske (Chairs): Proactive work behavior: New insights and developments.

Jana Kühnel , Ricarda Schleupner , Klaus G. Melchers , Selina S. Richter
52nd DGPs Congress 2022 - Hildesheim
Konferenz, Vortrag
.9.2022 - .9.2022

Food is all around: Why the unhealthy = tasty belief might be an illusory correlation

Sonja Kunz , Simona Haasova , Peer Niklas Pivecka , Justus Schmidt , Arnd Florack
2022 ESCON Transfer of Knowledge Conference
Konferenz, Vortrag
29.8.2022 - 31.8.2022

Be prepared: How psychological reattachment buffers the effect of a bad night’s sleep on daily work engagement and proactivity

Ricarda Schleupner , Jana Kühnel , Klaus G. Melchers
82th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
Konferenz, Vortrag
5.8.2022 - 9.8.2022

Frontiers in Psychology (Fachzeitschrift)

Julia Schöllbauer , Martina Hartner-Tiefenthaler , Clare Kelliher
Herausgabe einer Fachzeitschrift oder Reihe
1.8.2022 - 30.6.2023

Chronobiology & Sleep @Work. Symposium at the 82th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle, Washington, USA

Jana Kühnel , Stefan Volk
82th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
Konferenz, Vortrag
.8.2022 - .8.2022

EASP Summer School

Sonja Kunz
EASP Summer School
Summer/Winter School, Teilnahme an ...
24.7.2022 - 5.8.2022

Mechanisms and Effects of Tailored Interventions for Performance Under Pressure in the Performing Arts: A Collective Case Study

Veronika Lubert , Peter Gröpel
16th European Congress of Sport & Exercise Psychology
Konferenz, Vortrag
14.7.2022 - 14.7.2022

Summer School: Advanced Regression Analyses

Julia Marie Jankowski , Kata Sik , Lisa Stempfer , Georgia Clay
Summer School: Advanced Regression Analyses
Summer/Winter School, Organisation von ...
12.7.2022 - 15.7.2022

Start your day right: Fostering daily work-related well-being through an intervention aiming at psychological reattachment. In C. Syrek and J. de Bloom (Chairs): Field interventions on recovery from job stress: The beauty and the beast.

Ricarda Schleupner , Jana Kühnel
15th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference
Konferenz, Vortrag
8.7.2022 - 8.7.2022

Work unpredictability: A contemporary work stressor

Julia Schöllbauer
17th European Congress of Psychology
Konferenz, Vortrag
7.7.2022 - 7.7.2022

How Did You Sleep Last Night? The Relevance of Sleep Quality and Sleep–Wake Rhythm for Procrastination at Work

Tabea Maier , Jana Kühnel , Beatrice Zimmermann
15th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference
Konferenz, Vortrag
6.7.2022 - 6.7.2022

Mechanisms and Effects of Tailored Interventions for Performance Under Pressure in the Performing Arts: A Collective Case Study

Veronika Lubert , Peter Gröpel
17th European Congress of Psychology
Konferenz, Vortrag
6.7.2022 - 6.7.2022

Teleworkers’ well-being, self-rated productivity and engagement during COVID: What resources matter?. In J. Kühnel & T. Vahle-Hinz (Chairs): Only time will tell?- The role of time for research on stress, recovery, and well-being.

Eva Straus , Jana Kühnel , Lars Uhlig , Christian Korunka
15th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference
Konferenz, Vortrag
6.7.2022 - 6.7.2022

Did you go to bed on time? Detrimental effects of going to bed later than intended for the next working day. In L. Venz & V. C. Haun (Chairs): From dusk till dawn till dusk: New insights from research on nonwork time and the boundaries between work and nonwork in relation to employee well-being.

Jana Kühnel , Johannes F. W. Arendt , Ronald Bledow
15th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference
Konferenz, Vortrag
.7.2022 - .7.2022

Effects of a ten-day mindfulness intervention on procrastination behavior in daily life

Johannes F. W. Arendt , Jana Kühnel
15th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference
Konferenz, Posterpräsentation
.7.2022 - .7.2022

Trajectories of psychological detachment over the weekend: Investigating antecedents and consequences. In L. Venz & V. C. Haun (Chairs): From dusk till dawn till dusk: New insights from research on nonwork time and the boundaries between work and nonwork in relation to employee well-being.

Verena Haun , Oliver Weigelt , Katja Siestrup , Jana Kühnel
15th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference
Konferenz, Vortrag
.7.2022 - .7.2022

Triple down effects of interruptions in ICT-enabled work: How interruptions endanger psychological detachment after work

Edo Meyer , Jana Kühnel , Christian Korunka
15th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference
Konferenz, Vortrag
.7.2022 - .7.2022