Specialised lectures by the group

Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 310

Situationale Stärke bei der Arbeit und ihre paradoxen Auswirkungen auf die kognitive Belastung: Eine Studie beim österreichischen Bundesheer

Julia Schöllbauer , Gloria Straub , Wolfgang Prinz , Christian Korunka
53. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs)
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
16.9.2024 - 16.9.2024

Symposium: Flexibilität vs. Einschränkungen bei der Arbeit: Neue Erkenntnisse zu kognitiven Anforderungen und Team-Dynamik

Julia Schöllbauer , Christian Korunka
53. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs)
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
16.9.2024 - 16.9.2024

Work unpredictability and burnout: A negative strain spiral over time and the mitigating role of social support at work

Julia Schöllbauer , Leon Höfer , Roman Prem , Christian Korunka
16th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
7.6.2024 - 7.6.2024

How and when daily challenge stressors promote employees’ work engagement

Roman Prem , Sandra Ohly , Weigelt Oliver , Katja Siestrup , Bettina Kubicek
DGPs Congress 2024
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
..2024 - ..

How and when daily challenge stressors promote employees’ work engagement

Roman Prem , Sandra Ohly , Weigelt Oliver , Katja Siestrup , Bettina Kubicek
EAWOP<br/>Small Group Meeting “Challenges in Work Stress”
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
..2024 - ..

Person-Centered &amp; Experiential Psychotherapies (Journal)

Christian Korunka
Editor of journal or series
27.11.2023 - 27.11.2023

Completing five days of work in only four? Effects of the implementation of a compressed work week on wellbeing, stress, and perceived safety

Arabella Mühl , Christian Korunka
Work, Health and Stress Conference 2023
Conference, Poster presentation
11.11.2023 - 11.11.2023

Workshop "Zukunft der Bildung im Kontext von Digitalisierung und Chancengerechtigkeit"

Julia Schöllbauer , Elisabeth Pelikan , Barbara Schober , Christian Korunka
Workshop "Zukunft der Bildung im Kontext von Digitalisierung und Chancengerechtigkeit"
Seminar/Workshop, Organisation of ...
2.6.2023 - 2.6.2023

Feeling related when working apart: The inconsistent effect of lack of clarity on remote workers

Arabella Mühl , Julia Schöllbauer , Eva Straus , Christian Korunka
21st EAWOP Congress
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
25.5.2023 - 25.5.2023

Challenge stressors at work: A critical view at stressor classifications, boundary conditions, and mechanisms

Roman Prem , Bettina Kubicek
21st congress of the<br/>European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
..2023 - ..

Exploring the roles of self-efficacy and intrinsic motivation in within-person processes behind favourable effects of challenge stressors

Roman Prem , Sandra Ohly , Weigelt Oliver , Bettina Kubicek
21st EAWOP Congress
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
..2023 - ..

Verantwortung als der einzig wahre Challenge Stressor im Arbeitsalltag?

Roman Prem
Conference of the Division for Work, Organizational, and Business<br/>Psychology of the German Psychological Association
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
..2023 - ..

Teleworkers’ well-being, self-rated productivity and engagement during COVID: What resources matter?. In J. Kühnel &amp; T. Vahle-Hinz (Chairs): Only time will tell?- The role of time for research on stress, recovery, and well-being.

Eva Straus , Jana Kühnel , Lars Uhlig , Christian Korunka
15th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
6.7.2022 - 6.7.2022

Triple down effects of interruptions in ICT-enabled work: How interruptions endanger psychological detachment after work

Edo Meyer , Jana Kühnel , Christian Korunka
15th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
.7.2022 - .7.2022

Cognitive demands of flexible work at the onset of the pandemic: Trajectories over time and week-level relationships with affect, engagement, and isolation

Roman Prem , Sabina Hodzic , Bettina Kubicek
20th congress of the European<br/>Association of Work and Organizational Psychology
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
..2022 - ..

Kognitive Anforderungen flexibler Arbeit am Beginn der Pandemie: Zeitliche Verläufe über die ersten Wochen im Homeoffice

Roman Prem , Sabina Hodzic , Bettina Kubicek
14th conference of the Austrian Psychological<br/>Association
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
..2022 - ..

Verantwortung bei der Arbeit: Eine Untersuchung zu potentiellen Antezedenzien und Folgen abseits des Job-Characteristics- Modells

Roman Prem , M. Bajorski , Bettina Kubicek
52nd Conference of the German<br/>Psychological Association
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
..2022 - ..

Pandemie aus psychosozialer Perspektive

Christian Korunka
Expertengespräch mit Bundespräsident Van der Bellen
Other, Talk or oral contribution
18.11.2021 - 18.11.2021

Arbeiten in der Freizeit: Negative und positive Arbeitserlebnisse als negativer/positiver Verstärker mit paradoxen Auswirkungen auf das Bedürfnis nach Erholung [Working outside working hours: negative and positive work experiences as negative/positive reinforcers with paradoxical effects on the need for recovery]

Julia Schöllbauer , Christian Korunka
12. AOW-Fachgruppentagung 2021
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
22.9.2021 - 24.9.2021

Nachteilige Folgen negativer und positiver Arbeits-Rumination auf die Aufmerksamkeit gegenüber dem/der PartnerIn und der Vorteil, diese Gedanken zu teilen [Adverse consequences of negative and positive work rumination on attention to the partner and the benefit of sharing these thoughts]

Julia Schöllbauer , Sara Tement , Christian Korunka
12. AOW-Fachgruppentagung 2021
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
22.9.2021 - 24.9.2021

Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 310