Specialised lectures by the group
Showing entries 101 - 120 out of 296
New ways of working and Quality of working life: The introduction of a new Office concept
Christian Korunka
Work, Stress & Health 2015
Talk or oral contribution
8.5.2015 - 8.5.2015
Development and Validation of the Intensification of Job Demands Scale
Bettina Kubicek
Annual SIOP Conference
Talk or oral contribution
23.4.2015 - 25.4.2015
Self-control demands explain effects of job demands on ego-depletion
Roman Prem
Annual SIOP Conference
Talk or oral contribution
.4.2015 - .4.2015
Burnout und die neue Arbeitswelt
Christian Korunka
Talk or oral contribution
28.3.2015 - 28.3.2015
Burnout und die neue Arbeitswelt
Christian Korunka
Talk or oral contribution
28.3.2015 - 28.3.2015
Work intensification as a new Job demand
Christian Korunka
Talk or oral contribution
16.3.2015 - 16.3.2015
Development and validation of the intensification and job demands scale
Bettina Kubicek
Matea Paskvan
Christian Korunka
30th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Poster presentation
..2015 - ..2015
The measurement of work intensification: First results from a longitudinal study
Christian Korunka
Matea Paskvan
Bettina Kubicek
Roman Prem
Cornelia Gerdenitsch
17th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology
Poster presentation
..2015 - ..2015
The mediating role of appraisal in the case of work intensification
Matea Paskvan
Bettina Kubicek
Roman Prem
Christian Korunka
30th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Poster presentation
..2015 - ..2015
Selbsterfahrung als Kompetenzentwicklung
Christian Korunka
Tagung Psychotherapieforschung
Talk or oral contribution
7.10.2014 - 7.10.2014
Psychotherapietagung Salzburg
Christian Korunka
Psychotherapietagung Salzburg
Organisation of ...
26.9.2014 - 27.9.2014
Burnout in der Arbeitswelt
Christian Korunka
Talk or oral contribution
25.9.2014 - 25.9.2014
Arbeit im Wandel
Christian Korunka
SAP Personalkonferenz
Talk or oral contribution
24.9.2014 - 24.9.2014
Die schöne neue Arbeitswelt – Von der Inkongruenz zur Entfremdung
Christian Korunka
Psychotherapietagung Salzburg
Talk or oral contribution
.9.2014 - .9.2014
The role of temporal autonomy in preventing work-family conflict: A day-level study.
Roman Prem
49. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie
Talk or oral contribution
.9.2014 - .9.2014
New ways of working and quality of working life
Christian Korunka
ODAM Conference 2014
Talk or oral contribution
.8.2014 - .8.2014
The role of cognitive appraisal in effects of daily time pressure on task performance.
Roman Prem
IWP conference 2014
Talk or oral contribution
.6.2014 - .6.2014
Neues vom Projekt: “Höher, schneller, weiter – Beschleunigung im Arbeitsleben”
Bettina Kubicek
Forum Prävention
Talk or oral contribution
19.5.2014 - 19.5.2014
Ist Selbstführung eine geeignete Umgangsstrategie bei Autonomieanforderungen? Eine Studie mit Berufseinsteigern.
Johanna Bunner
11. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (ÖGP)
Talk or oral contribution
25.4.2014 - 25.4.2014
11. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (ÖGP)
Christian Korunka
11. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (ÖGP)
Organisation of ...
24.4.2014 - 26.4.2014
Showing entries 101 - 120 out of 296