Specialised lectures by the group

Ergebnis-Workshop 1:Die Wirksamkeit von Sicherheitsfachkräften verstehen: Kriterien erfolgreicher Zusammenarbeit

Johanna Bunner , Christian Korunka
AUVA Forum Prävention
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
12.5.2017 - 12.5.2017

Can safety trainings buffer the effects of job risks on accident severity? An organizational level analysis in high-risk industries

Johanna Bunner , Roman Prem , Christian Korunka
XVIII European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP 2017)
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
.5.2017 - .5.2017

Procrastination at work: The roles of cognitive appraisals and self-control effort

Roman Prem , Oliver Weigelt , Tabea Scheel , Katja Hoffmann , Christian Korunka
European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
.5.2017 - .5.2017

The moderating role of daily learning demands in the effects of daily time pressure on employees’ cognitive appraisals and thriving at work

Roman Prem
XVIII European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP 2017)
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
.5.2017 - .5.2017

Veränderungen in der Arbeitswelt: Auswirkungen auf Beschäftigte und deren Motivation sowie Möglichkeiten zur Teilhabe am Arbeitsmarkt der Zukunft

Roman Prem
Wiener Arbeitsmarkt der Zukunft
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
.5.2017 - .5.2017

What Motivates Older Workers To Work Until The Regular Retirement Age?

Peter Hoffmann , Roman Prem
XVIII European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP 2017)
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
.5.2017 - .5.2017

The Role of Cognitive Ap- praisals in the Effects of Regulatory Demands on Employee Strain and Motivation.

Vera Baumgartner , Lars Uhlig , Bettina Kubicek , Roman Prem , Christian Korunka
10. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
..2017 - ..2017

Die Zukunft der Arbeit - Chancen und Herausforderungen für Erwerbstätige

Christian Korunka
Podiumsdiskussion MA23
Panel discussion, round table, Talk or oral contribution
5.10.2016 - 5.10.2016

50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie

Irina Nalis-Neuner
50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
22.9.2016 - 22.9.2016

Can safety training buffer the effect of job risks on accident severity? An organizational level analysis in high-risk industries

Johanna Bunner , Christian Korunka
50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
20.9.2016 - 20.9.2016

The crafting of personal careers in times of change. The protean career as a resource for career change(rs) in the light of self-determination and alienation

Irina Nalis-Neuner
32nd EGOS Colloquium
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
7.7.2016 - 7.7.2016

"New Work" und deren Einfluss auf die Gesundheit. Wie weit entspricht die moderne Arbeitswelt unseren Bedürfnissen

Christian Korunka
Business Circle
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
16.6.2016 - 16.6.2016

Die Rolle der Sicherheitsfachkraft

Christian Korunka
AUVA Forum Prävention
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
12.5.2016 - 12.5.2016

Der Einfluss der Zusammenarbeit von Sicherheitsfachkräften auf die Unfallschwere

Johanna Bunner , Christian Korunka
AUVA Forum Prävention
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
10.5.2016 - 10.5.2016

Arbeit im Wandel. Neue Anforderungen in der Arbeitswelt

Christian Korunka
Talk or oral contribution
22.4.2016 - 22.4.2016

New demands in a changing world of work: The increase of work intensification

Christian Korunka
Talk or oral contribution
14.4.2016 - 14.4.2016

The Influence of Safety Experts' Cooperation on Accident Severity

Johanna Bunner , Christian Korunka
12th Conference of EAOHP, Athens 2016
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
12.4.2016 - 12.4.2016

12th Conference of EAOHP, Athens 2016

Johanna Bunner
12th Conference of EAOHP, Athens 2016
Conference, Participation in ...
12.4.2016 - 12.4.2016

Work intensification in service work. Results from a longitudinal study

Christian Korunka
12th Conference of EAOHP, Athens 2016
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
11.4.2016 - 11.4.2016

Der Einfluss kognitiver Flexibilität auf die berufliche Leistung und das Wohlbefinden [The influence of cognitive flexibility on professional performance and wellbeing]

Julia Schöllbauer , Bettina Kubicek , Matea Paskvan
12. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
1.4.2016 - 1.4.2016