The Changing World of Work
Social acceleration processes lead to new work requirements, such as work intensification, new learning and new autonomy requirements. The research projects in this area examine these new work demands and their effects on employees.
- Career Crafting
- Beschleunigte Arbeitswelten (accelerated working world)
- Entfremdete Arbeit (alienated work)
- Veränderte Arbeitsanforderungen (changed work requirements)
- Umgang mit neuen Arbeitsanforderungen (managing new work demands )
- Intensivierte Arbeitsanforderungen (intensified work requirements)
- Ressourcen in Coworking Spaces (ressources in coworking spaces)
- Karriereeinstieg in einer beschleunigten Arbeitswelt (career entry in a accelerated working world)
- Acceleration in professional service firms
- Evaluierung: Activity-based flexible offices (AFO)