Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian Korunka

Universitätsstrasse 7 (NIG)

1010 Vienna, Austria

Room: D0605

T: +43-1-4277-47342


Research interests

Work in times of change, new demands in the world of work, new forms of work, work intensification, autonomy and competence requirements, work without boundaries, flexible work, industry 4.0, family businesses

Curriculum Vitae

Christian Korunka is the head of the Work and Organisational Psychology group at the Faculty of Psychology.

After receiving his doctorate in 1986, he started to examine processes of change in the world of work. In his habilitation (1987), he examined “Rahmenbedingungen der Arbeit mit modernen Informationstechnologien” (framework conditions of working with modern information technologies). For the last few years, his research has focused on new demands in the world of work and new forms of work. Another research focus is the investigation of psychological aspects of establishing businesses, business success and family businesses.

Christian Korunka has been visiting professor at the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison several times. He has several national and international research collaborations. His publications include about 25 books and editorial volumes, 85 journal articles and 80 contributions in editorial volumes. He has been involved in the organisation of 10 academic conferences and has held around 140 lectures at international conferences.

Christian Korunka is the Director of Doctoral Studies at the Faculty of Psychology and head of the university continuing education and training programme "Psychotherapeutisches Propädeutikum” (general introductory course in psychotherapy). He is a health psychologist, supervisor and person-centred psychotherapist.

You can find further information at u:cris and u:find.


Korunka, C., Frank, H., & Lueger, M. (2001). Die Person des Gründers im Prozess der Unternehmensgründung. In G. Nevosad (Ed.), Unternehmensgründung FH Joanneum Eigenverlag.

Korunka, C. (2001). Die philosophischen Grundlagen und das Menschenbild des Personzentrierten Ansatzes. In P. Frenzel, W. W. Keil, P. F. Schmid, & N. Stölzl (Eds.), Klienten-/Personzentrierte Psychotherapie. Kontexte, Konzepte, Realisierungen Facultas.

Hoonakker, P. L. T., Carayon, P., Korunka, C., & McEnery, M. (2001). Impact of IT-training on quality of working life. In M. J. Smith, & G. Salvendy (Eds.), Systems, social and internationalization design aspects of human-computer interaction (Vol. 2, pp. 428-432). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc..

Korunka, C. (2001). New Public Management aus der Sicht der Mitarbeiter und Kunden. In K. Moser, & R. Soucek (Eds.), Abstractband der 2. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie (pp. 9). Eigenverlag.

Korunka, C. (2001). New Public Management (NPM) and quality of working life: Strain and job satisfaction related to organizational changes in the public sector. In ENOP 2001 - New organizational challenges for human service work, Book of Abstracts Eigenverlag.