Mag. Edo Meyer

Universitätsstrasse 7 (NIG)

1010 Vienna, Austria

Research interests

Work in times of change, work-related stress, challenges and chances of flexible work, self-control, motivation and relaxation, autonomy and competence requirements, work without boundaries

Curriculum Vitae

Edo completed his Magister programme in Psychology at the University of Graz and later worked in human resources development. Since October 2017, he has been employed at the Department as a doctoral candidate on the DOC-team project “Flexibilisierung und Entgrenzung von Arbeit” (flexible working arrangements and blurring of work-life boundaries) under the supervision of Professor Christian Korunka.

The project funded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) focuses on flexible work and, using an interdisciplinary approach, develops an integrative concept that makes it possible to understand and investigate the challenges and chances of flexible work.